Moving Homes

You are close to finding your dream home; you have found a few places that match your wants and needs; you feel ready to make an offer. Moving home can be both exciting and daunting for most home buyers and there are a few things to consider before upping your life and moving house.
What should you consider before moving home?
A & M Partnership believe in offering more than just advice, we offer moving home mortgage advice as well as moving house advice to make sure you don’t come up short when you move in.
Measure rooms
Measure each room before you decide to purchase any soft furnishings. Measure doorways and entrance halls to make sure you can get your furniture into your new home.
Internet providers
Most of what we do nowadays is via the internet. Working from home, paying bills, and most entertainment services need a good reliable network connection. You need to check who can offer you internet services and have them connect you as soon as you move house. It can take weeks to get an engineer to your property and if you are in a more rural area, you may not get the service you were told.
School catchment areas
Our children’s education is very important. There may be a particular school you want your child to go to that is in your existing home area but may not be in the new home’s catchment area. Check with the school in question to make sure you are moving house into their particular catchment area.
Locate meters and stopcock
The gas and electric meters should be relatively easy to locate in the home, but you really want to know where the stopcock is. When moving home it can be easy to get caught up in the emotional experience and miss some vital information. The stopcock is where you can shut of the main water supply to the house if you ever need to.
Why would someone be moving house?
First time buyer
Almost certainly the most known type of buyer, the first-time buyer will be moving home potentially for the first time ever. If they are leaving their parents’ house for the time it could be an overwhelming experience of both anticipation and anxiety. This type of buyer benefits from a more hands on approach with moving home mortgage advice.
There are times in life that things just come to an end. There may be no glaring reason for it, but sometimes we drift apart. If you are separating from your partner then this can be a difficult time; added with the stress of starting over; you need to find a new place to live. Moving house mortgage advice is an ideal way to help make the transition easier.
Growing family
Life has a way of catching up with us. As we get older, we may be thinking of starting our own family. All of a sudden, a 1-bedroom flat is not going to be suitable. The need for moving house and getting more space gets increasingly more important the bigger the family grows. This could also happen if you are looking after an elderly relative as well.
Think carefully before securing debts against your home. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayment on your mortgage.
Think carefully before securing debts against your home. Your home may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayment on your mortgage.